Friday, October 13, 2006

SP9 contest

Actor - Johnny Depp
Actress - Keira Knightley
Animal - Alpacas!
Band - They Might be Giants
Book - Deerskin by Robin McKinley
Bubble Bath - haven't had one since I was 5
Candy - Candied ginger, organic dark chocolate
Color - Green!
Flower - Dandelions (who would've guessed?)
Food - Curry
Lip Balm - Weleda
Lotion - Avalon Organics
Movie - Pride & Prejudice
Song - Hall of Heads - They Might be Giants
TV Show - tough, since I don't watch TV at all. Futurama, Friends?
Vacation Spot - If I ever go on vacation I'll let you know

Maybe I'm more mainstream than I thought. Friends IS funny though.


At Sunday, October 22, 2006 12:08:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I created an anonymous blog so that I can post to your blog!

Hope you are enjoying the autumn!

So, as you are a fan of both Johnny Depp and Kiera Knightley, did you see Pirates of the Carribbean II? If so, is it good? I saw and liked the first one. But I never got around to seeing the second. Have to wait for DVD! :-P

Talk to you again soon,

Your Secret Pal


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