Monday, March 26, 2007

Fresh new SP

got my first package from my Sp today, and let me tell you, I am up in a tizzy about it. Got the new IK, some really yummy espresso truffles, awesomely hand-dyed opal sock yarn, AND, get this, Hunza apricots. I'm just ass-over-teakettle for them too. Really, Really yummy. Obviously my Pal lives in england (hard to get these in north america from what I hear) and she has (per my suggestion) Taken great pains to conceal her address and name, so I still know not who she is. it's a mystery! Behold, photographic proof :

Oh, and how could I forget.... Aren't they just Fetching?

(yes those are my feet, you try taking a photograph of both your hands by yourself and tell me how it turns out. I think Reese witherspoon can, but sadly my chin is nowhere near as pointy as hers, and wouldn't push the button.)


At Tuesday, March 27, 2007 5:28:00 AM, Blogger malin said...

What a great package! Love the yarn colours! I was thinking about doing SP10, but got my hands too full with the GYS swaps. But SP´s so much fun, I know I will getting back there, sooner or later!


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